Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So... I have strep throat. What am I? Eight years old??  This is really an inopportune time to get sick. I have homework, housework, and classes to attend... Not to mention that it hurts like crazy to eat or drink.
I want to get my tonsils taken out. How do I get them to do it??!!?? I just don't want to have go through this again. It's insane.

PS- I am such a big baby when it comes to being sick.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Whatever happened to personal space?

Seriously. I wasn't going to post about this,but it has happened to me THREE times at the grocery store in the past week... including today.
I don't just mean someone is "too close for comfort," but they are physically touching me either with their buggy or their own body.  They also touch MY groceries... pushing them down the conveyor belt. What is wrong with people?!?! It's always either really skanky, fat redneck women or OLD women. I can forgive old people. Let's face it... if I live to be eighty, I have the right to be cranky. But the rest of you... UGH. It's like they are scared someone is going to jump in front of them in line. They are in such a hurry, that they forget about THE BUBBLE. I think that illustration above accurately describes a good personal bubble.  It's like in PE class when you had to get arm's length apart to workout. This is how the rest of society should function. Don't touch me... with any of your appendages or possessions. That is all. I think the next time it happens I will politely say, "Excuse me, could you please back up... You are in my space."

Would this be wrong? I'm honestly asking.

Moral: Respect the BUBBLE.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I have always heard the statistics regarding divorce. It's just stats, right.... Random numbers that don't mean a thing until they are thrust into a real-world context?

50% of marriages will end in divorce.

just divorcedI never thought to look around and say, "Half the couples I know will end up divorced." I know that stats don't work that way.... Half of the people I know won't end up divorced... It could be more.... I hope it's less. I am only 25, and I already know several couples my age that are already divorced. If you are divorced and reading this, don't worry. This is not a condemnation of divorce. It's a sad look at a hard subject from MY POINT OF VIEW. Please don't take this as God's truth or anything. It's just my analyses of what I've seen.
I would venture to say that this number is higher than it would first appear....

This is my blog, so I am going to write about my personal experience with these subjects... That personal experience, I am sad to say, has been within the confines of a Christian church. I expect these sort of statistics to occur in the general population. What I have found to be true (with a little research) is that these numbers look the same within the Christian community.
I just heard of a couple that is getting divorced because she was having extramarital affairS (yea, with an "S"). I would like to say that I was completely taken aback when I heard about this... but I was not. I wasn't even shocked. I'm just numb to it. It has happened many times before and will continue to happen. This wasn't the run-of-the-mill back-row member, either... This was a person who thrust themselves actively within the inner workings of churches. What kind of effect will this have on the body of Christ... especially the "little ones" that the Bible teaches us explicitly not to offend by our actions (if we are more mature Christians).

All I can do is to pray for God's grace over my marriage. Who among us can say that we or our spouse is affair-proof?? There are steps that we take according to scripture to "guard our hearts" and our marriages.... but in the end, it's God's grace that keeps us from these snares.

I would like to say, though, that ALL ( and I mean ALL) of the people that I know who had affairs had some SERIOUS relationship issues BEFORE they got married. The affair was never the first red flag. They usually plowed through a couple hundred roadblocks on their way to someone else's arms.... or to finding that their spouse had been unfaithful. A couple of these instances I can remember thinking, "I don't think they should get married." Not my call. But it is a cautionary tale... for those looking for a future mate or those of us who are already married.

"What God has joined together... Let no man put asunder."

Monday, February 13, 2012


Winston ChurchillI read this on a blog, "Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life." That has NOT been my experience with forgiveness. I am required to forgive because I have been forgiven. I have no real problem with this... other than it can be REALLY HARD to do. I don't want the people who I've forgiven back in my life. Honestly, I don't feel like they deserve to be in my life. They are not remorseful or repentant... In fact, everyday (if I allow them) they add another insult to my injuries. I have had enough... I have weeded them out. But it seems like a lot of other people simply can't do this. They know what these people have done and who they are... yet they continue to cater to them... And I wonder if they do it because they think it is the Christian thing to do. I don't think it is. We are obligated to forgive, but not to remain friends. Or are we?

My question is: Does forgiveness require forgetting?

If I have forgiven you, does that mean I have to send you a Christmas card.... or be your friend on facebook? I feel as though there is pressure on me as a Christian to play pretend all the time. I refuse. Does that make me a bad Christian? Possibly.... but I can not in good conscience pretend that these things never happened. Won't. Do. It. I will not buckle to pressure to remain friends with people who (I believe) systematically try to destroy the lives of others while attempting to "SAVE FACE" with the rest of the world and KNOWINGLY take advantage of those who are trying to be good people and good Christians.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Color. (Inspired by Kris)

Kris made a post about her favorite color combo (pink + gold) and asked us to reply about our own. Here goes... Enjoy.

Robin's Egg Blue and Red
Wish I had thought of this for MY wedding.

Yellow and Gray
I think that this combo would look fabulous in a nursery.


Thursday, February 9, 2012


newspaper clipping

I get a call from my husband (who has obviously lost his mind) about going
to the infamous Hangout Music Festival in Gulf Shores this year. I had already looked into going because Jack White and Wilco will be performing (two of our faves). However, upon further investigation I discovered that the tickets are $200 A PIECE!! No, there is nothing wrong with your screen... That would be 2-0-0 PER PERSON for a staggering total of $400! Now, maybe he is stashing a way a wad of cash somewhere that I
don't know about... but other than that...
NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. I enjoy a good concert as much as the next kid... but I could think of about a million other worthy causes the money could go toward... including (but not limited to) a TV in our bedroom, a weekend getaway, a new dresser (b/c I can't even put clothes in the one for Barry), etc...
Apparently, because I am logical and economical...
I am officially a "wet blanket." So be it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


No one loves a good Disney classic better than I do... I mean, I can't get into the shower without singing "Under the Sea" but have we really considered the message of the Disney-fied versions. Don't worry. This won't be a an anti-princess post. I love a good extra-feminine, girly-girl.

Let's take my FAVORITE of all time, Ariel. The beautiful, adventure-seeking daughter of the Sea King was only 16 when she decided to blatantly defy her father and consult a witch to get close to a man that she had never met before. Sounds crazy, right?

The crazy part is that it all worked out in the end. Be rebellious and consort with some shady people to be with a man who doesn't know you and you don't know either... And before you know

it, you're in a puffy-sleeved, bedazzled wedding gown on a boat marrying this stranger (who happens to be smoking HOT).

The REAL little mermaid (written by Hans Christian Andersen) DIES and becomes sea foam
.... which may be what happens to you if you sell your voice to a sorceress and marry a man who has never even heard that voice before. Tragic. Moral: Rebelling against your parents pays o
ff in the end... because of course, you know best at sixteen.
Nonetheless, still my favorite.
Which classic shall I ruin for you next? Aladdin? Sure.

Ah, those romantic Arabian nights. The desert wind whipping through your hair... a magic carpet ride... living lavishly in the Sultan's palace... and getting involved with a homeless, habitual liar and petty thief. Before you write me off as a cynic, hear me out.
What could these two possibly have in common? He's poor and used to fending for himself. She is rich, spoiled and used to be waited on hand and foot for her every whim... Not to mention that he did nothing but try to conceal his true self their entire courtship. Granted, he did come clean later... but is that any way to start a marriage?

Cynical Yet?
Don't get me started on Belle and her Beast.... I mean, this woman marries a man who not only enslaved her father... but imprisoned her with no remorse or compassion???!!! Wow.

"Please come back to life so I can continue being imprisoned in your dark, spooky castle."

For the sake of time, here's the rest of my shake-down:
Pocahontas: Marries the man who will eventually enslave and destroy her people; not to mention the cultural barrier (Real Pocahontas dies of disease given to her by the "pale face")

Cinderella: Serious daddy issues after he chooses the stepmother over her and suffers years of abuse... clearly she is traumatized. How can they get along after he's been catered to his whole life, and she was THE MAID?

Snow White: Again, marries a guy she doesn't even know... Should you really date a guy who kisses you while you're unconscious? Sleeping Beauty has the same problem.

I hope I haven't ruined Disney for you. I know I still love it. Just like to take a look at it from an adult perspective.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have been going to my Women's Self Defense class for several weeks now, and I must say how much I enjoy it. It's so cathartic and (wait for the cliche) empowering. However, an unintended side effect has been extreme caution and paranoia. I suppose if I was a 20-yr-old college student going to clubs and frat parties this would be a much-needed side effect. However, to be a 25-yr-old housewife staring down old men at the grocery store.... it's overkill. I am naturally a suspicious person... My Dad LOVED to tell me rape and abduction horror stories my whole life and taught me to be on high alert... especially when I am by myself. So this class is like a refresher course for me.
In a sick way, I wish someone would mess with me... So I could rough 'em up!
Girl Power!
PS- I can't help but start singing Spice Girls music in my head while practicing.

"If you wanna be my lover...."

Monday, February 6, 2012


Eric Holder and George WashingtonWhat is Fast & Furious? No, it is not a the only movie franchise to employ Vin Diesel and/or Paul Walker anymore.... It was described in the Washington Post as, "a sting operation that went awry when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms lost track of some 1,400 high-powered weapons it was planning to trace as they made their way from illegal buyers to Mexican drug cartels." This is obviously an ATF issue, right? So why are is there an inquiry into Attorney General Eric Holder. I'm glad you asked.... Because before this sting went public, the Justice Dept had their sticky fingers all over it. They knew about it... They even knew when the ATF "lost track" of the weapons. Why is this a big deal now? Well, two of those "lost guns" showed up at the scene where a border patrol agent was murdered.... Did I mention he was murdered by a weapon that OUR government gave to drug cartels?? American citizens murderJanet Napolitanoed by guns provided to known criminals by our own government... And not just any government... Ironically, this whole fiasco was thought-up and sanctioned by the Justice Department and Eric Holder.. AKA the pro-gun control Obama Administration. Even that sex kitten, Janet Napolitano, had her grubby, man-like Homeland Security hands on this. But now no one knows anything and 1000s of documents are missing from the Justice Dept. Eric Holder himself says that he received memos about the "misplaced" weapons but didn't read them. So here are our choices: A) Eric Holder is incompetent and doesn't take his job seriously. B) He is a big fat liar who is orchestrating a massive cover-up. I'm going with secret answer C) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Why is there not more of an outcry over this issue? Because the media is too busy highlighting the hair-combing contest that is the Republican primaries. They are more concerned with Newt Gingrich's sex life than the lives of border control agents who were killed with planted guns. But hey, they aren't biased at all!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


<span class=Kardashians" title="" border="0">

Today I read this on facebook, "The worst bullies are the ones that hide behind a pulpit." A quote from a passive-aggressive, embittered girl. She has made no qualms about her distaste for some of the subject matter coming from the pulpit. This discontent extends into her everyday life because she has a classic case of MCS, Middle Child Syndrome (aka Khloe Kardashian Disease). We get it. You weren't the pretty one or the smart one or the lovable one... so you became the pretty funny, smart A, love-to-make-snarky-comments-in-the-back one. I understand your dilemma. I do not understand, however, why you would keep going back to a church where you seemingly disagree with whatever comes from the pulpit. Unless... You are a classic malcontent who wants to start trouble.... DING DING DING... And circle gets the square.
Here's my advice: Leave. Go somewhere else. If your boyfriend won't come with you, dump him. It seems to me that being miserable alone is much more comfortable than being miserable with someone else. But for the love of Peter, Paul, & Mary.... stop posting this passive-aggressive crap after every church service. It's not veiled or coded. We know exactly who and what you are talking about.... You aren't smart or disciplined enough to be covert. It's not working for you.
I get it. They preach against homosexuality, and you have a gay and lesbian on either side of you. Again, I get it. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. I promise you can find a church in the greater Birmingham area that will never speak of lifestyle choices or sexual preference. That's the beauty of a free nation that practices freedom of religion. Exercise your right. You should go this coming Sunday if at all possible. Thanks.