Kardashians" title="http://www.queerty.com/wp/docs/2011/04/kardashian_sisters-360x270.jpg" border="0">
Today I read this on facebook, "The worst bullies are the ones that hide behind a pulpit." A quote from a passive-aggressive, embittered girl. She has made no qualms about her distaste for some of the subject matter coming from the pulpit. This discontent extends into her everyday life because she has a classic case of MCS, Middle Child Syndrome (aka Khloe Kardashian Disease). We get it. You weren't the pretty one or the smart one or the lovable one... so you became the pretty funny, smart A, love-to-make-snarky-comments-in-the-back one. I understand your dilemma. I do not understand, however, why you would keep going back to a church where you seemingly disagree with whatever comes from the pulpit. Unless... You are a classic malcontent who wants to start trouble.... DING DING DING... And circle gets the square.
Here's my advice: Leave. Go somewhere else. If your boyfriend won't come with you, dump him. It seems to me that being miserable alone is much more comfortable than being miserable with someone else. But for the love of Peter, Paul, & Mary.... stop posting this passive-aggressive crap after every church service. It's not veiled or coded. We know exactly who and what you are talking about.... You aren't smart or disciplined enough to be covert. It's not working for you.
I get it. They preach against homosexuality, and you have a gay and lesbian on either side of you. Again, I get it. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. I promise you can find a church in the greater Birmingham area that will never speak of lifestyle choices or sexual preference. That's the beauty of a free nation that practices freedom of religion. Exercise your right. You should go this coming Sunday if at all possible. Thanks.
YAY! Im so glad you have a blog! Love you.