Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Whatever happened to personal space?

Seriously. I wasn't going to post about this,but it has happened to me THREE times at the grocery store in the past week... including today.
I don't just mean someone is "too close for comfort," but they are physically touching me either with their buggy or their own body.  They also touch MY groceries... pushing them down the conveyor belt. What is wrong with people?!?! It's always either really skanky, fat redneck women or OLD women. I can forgive old people. Let's face it... if I live to be eighty, I have the right to be cranky. But the rest of you... UGH. It's like they are scared someone is going to jump in front of them in line. They are in such a hurry, that they forget about THE BUBBLE. I think that illustration above accurately describes a good personal bubble.  It's like in PE class when you had to get arm's length apart to workout. This is how the rest of society should function. Don't touch me... with any of your appendages or possessions. That is all. I think the next time it happens I will politely say, "Excuse me, could you please back up... You are in my space."

Would this be wrong? I'm honestly asking.

Moral: Respect the BUBBLE.

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