Monday, February 13, 2012


Winston ChurchillI read this on a blog, "Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life." That has NOT been my experience with forgiveness. I am required to forgive because I have been forgiven. I have no real problem with this... other than it can be REALLY HARD to do. I don't want the people who I've forgiven back in my life. Honestly, I don't feel like they deserve to be in my life. They are not remorseful or repentant... In fact, everyday (if I allow them) they add another insult to my injuries. I have had enough... I have weeded them out. But it seems like a lot of other people simply can't do this. They know what these people have done and who they are... yet they continue to cater to them... And I wonder if they do it because they think it is the Christian thing to do. I don't think it is. We are obligated to forgive, but not to remain friends. Or are we?

My question is: Does forgiveness require forgetting?

If I have forgiven you, does that mean I have to send you a Christmas card.... or be your friend on facebook? I feel as though there is pressure on me as a Christian to play pretend all the time. I refuse. Does that make me a bad Christian? Possibly.... but I can not in good conscience pretend that these things never happened. Won't. Do. It. I will not buckle to pressure to remain friends with people who (I believe) systematically try to destroy the lives of others while attempting to "SAVE FACE" with the rest of the world and KNOWINGLY take advantage of those who are trying to be good people and good Christians.

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