What is Fast & Furious? No, it is not a the only movie franchise to employ Vin
Diesel and/or Paul Walker anymore.... It was described in the Washington Post as, "a sting operation that went awry when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms lost track of some 1,400 high-powered weapons it was planning to trace as they made their way from illegal buyers to Mexican drug cartels." This is obviously an
ATF issue, right? So why are is there an inquiry into Attorney General Eric Holder. I'm glad you asked.... Because before this sting went public, the Justice Dept had their sticky fingers all over it. They knew about it... They even knew when the
ATF "lost track" of the weapons. Why is this a big deal now? Well, two of those "lost guns" showed up at the scene where a border patrol agent was murdered.... Did I mention he was murdered by a weapon that OUR government gave to drug cartels?? American citizens murder

ed by guns provided to known criminals by our own government... And not just any
government... Ironically, this whole fiasco was thought-up and sanctioned by the Justice Department and Eric Holder.. AKA the pro-
gun control Obama Administration. Even that sex kitten, Janet
Napolitano, had her grubby, man-like Homeland Security hands on this. But now no one knows anything and 1000s of documents are missing from the Justice Dept. Eric Holder himself says that he received memos about the "misplaced" weapons but didn't read them. So here are our choices: A) Eric Holder is incompetent and doesn't take his job seriously. B) He is a big fat liar who is orchestrating a massive cover-up. I'm going with secret answer C) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Why is there not more of an outcry over this issue? Because the media is too busy highlighting the hair-combing contest that is the Republican primaries. They are more concerned with Newt Gingrich's sex life than the lives of border control agents who were killed with planted guns. But hey, they aren't biased at all!
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